Hello! My name is Chen Qiqian [陈启乾] ("Qiqian Chen" is my name in western name order). Here is my Curriculum Vitae, which serves as the short version of this webpage.

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CV(English) CV(Chinese)


Tsinghua University (2020.9-now)

I entered Tsinghua University in Fall 2020, majoring the Software Engineering in the School of Software as an undergraduate student.

As in August 2023, my cumulative GPA is 3.80 out of 4, and I'm ranked 26/101 in the School of Software. I'm expected to graduate in July 2024.

High-score courses (A-/4.0 and above, selectively):

  • Modern Operating System, Principles of Assembly and Compilation, Principles of Database Systems, Introduction to Artificial Intelligence, Formal Language and Automata, Software analysis and verification, Introduction to Mobile Application Development
  • Linear Algebra, Advanced Topics in Linear Algebra (English), Discrete Mathmatics(1, 2)

University of Waterloo (2022.9-2023.1)

In Fall 2022, I went to the University of Waterloo, Canada as an exchange student. I mainly took Computer Science courses in the Math Faculty.

I took the following five courses, and average grade in that term is 89.8 out of 100:

  • CO 487: Applied Cryptography(97)
  • CS 456: Computer Network(93)
  • CS 251: Computer Organization and Design(94)
  • SOC 101: Introduction to Sociology(80)
  • PHIL 256: Introduction to Cognitive Science(85)

The High School Affiliated to Renmin University of China (2017.9-2020.7)

I am very proud to have studied in one of the most famous high schools in China, the High School Affiliated to Renmin University of China(RDFZ). I spent two years studying the Olympic of Information in high school, and got a first prize in the NOIp(National Olympic in Information, Province) in 2018.


Overall, my research interests lie in the optimization and innovation of computer software systems in order to facilitate and scale real-world applications:

  • Machine Learning Systems
  • High Performance/Heterogenous Computing
  • Parallel Computing
  • Graph Algorithms

The following part introduces industry/research experiences I have had.

Summer Research Intern


ALCHEM Lab, Purdue University

  • Supervised by Prof. Xuehai Qian
  • Focused on communication optimization for distributed full-graph GNN training

Quantum Circuit Optimization Project, Participant


Student Research Training Program(SRT), Tsinghua University.

  • Supervised by Prof. Zhengfeng Ji
  • Focused on classical simulations of the quantum circuit by contracting tensor networks
  • Studied tensor network optimization algorithms and parallel contracting implementation

Part-time Intern


Risk Management Technologies Department, Digital Finance, Ant Group

  • Focused on distributed graph mining in the financial anti-fraud scenario
  • Incorporated billion-vertexes labeled graph's mining algorithm on CPU clusters with the existing distributed Key-Value database and OLAP systems

Undergraduate Research Assistant


Pacman Lab, Tsinghua University

I focused on developing a graph mining system that could efficiently process heterogeneous hardware (CPU and GPU). I explored algorithmic and architectural optimization strategies for various graph mining applications, with a particular emphasis on Pattern Matching and Frequent Subgraph Mining (FSM). Specifically, I designed and implemented dynamic parallel strategies to optimize the search tree widths of the frequent patterns that form a tree by their vertex numbers. Through this approach, I was able to achieve significant efficiency improvements by hundreds of times in some extreme cases.



I enjoy collaborating with others on projects, and I had the opportunity to work on several course and personal projects spanning from my time in high school to the present day.



An Android forum app with Kotlin, Jetpack Compose and Django. I was responsible for the proto design and frontend developments. I also work on the several difficult parts: chats and notification with WebSocket, Richtext Editor and Video Player.

Web Python IDE


A Web Python IDE with Vue3, Typescript and Flask. I was responsible for the editor frontend, and I also designed the structure of the application.

Fake campus net


A faked website of Tsinghua University's campus network. This is the course project of Web Front-end Developing, and this project aimed to practice the usage of Vue framework.

C to LLVM compiler


A C to LLVM compiler using ANTLRv4 and Python llvmlite package, and it supports the compile of function, loop, and local variables etc. This is the course project on Principles of Assembly and Compilation.

ASM Painter


A Windows-painter like application written with MASM and Win32 APIs, and this is the course project on Principles of Assembly and Compilation. This program was quite complex, and learning MASM was so hard that we put entire code in one file.

THU Conqueror


A GUI chess game written in C++ with Qt framework. The whole developping process was less than three weeks.

ERISC Simulator


A simple simulator written in C++ of an extremely reduced RISC instruction set. This program simulates assembly codes, calculate the memory usage and print the usage result to a BMP image.



A sudoku solver written in a game language: Scratch. I regard this as the start point of my programming life.


Want to know more about me?

  • I have maintenanced a Blog(in Chinese), and it mainly consists of my solution notes of algorithm questions. However, it's not updated frequently now.

  • You could see my Studying Notes(most in Chinese) to see my knowledge stack.
  • Welcome to contact me through Email (cqqqwq at outlook dot com)!


  • Go: I enjoy playing Go, as it challenges and improves my cognitive abilities.
  • Linguistic & Philosophy: Linguistics and philosophy are fields that I find fascinating, as they delve into fundamental questions about our existence and the world we live in. I have read several books on the history of Western philosophy, and I believe that these topics are essential for enhancing my understanding and perspective on computer science.
  • Public transportation: I love taking trains, buses and planes to travel between or within cities, discovering different cultures.


  • C++, CUDA (Proficient); Python, JS/TS, Java, Kotlin (Familiar); Rust (Novice)
  • Framework: Qt, Vue.js, Windows & Android SDK, Flask, PyTorch
  • Tools: Linux (cluster experience), Slurm, Git, LaTeX, Docker, CMake
  • English: IELTS 7.5 (R9.0, L8.5, W6.5, S6.0) TOEFL 106(R30, L27, S23, W26)

Scholarships and Honours

  • Social Work Outstanding Scholarship, Tsinghua University, 2022.11
  • Honorable Mention(20%), 2022 The Interdisciplinary Contest in Modeling, 2022.2
  • Comprehensive Outstanding Scholarship(20%), Tsinghua University, 2021.11
  • Third Prize, 2021 China Wechat Program Developing Competition, 2021.8
  • First Prize(20%), 2018 National Olympics of Information, Province(NOIp), 2018.11